

Transforming RMA Management for Outstanding Customer Service

Velosity: The Future of BTO Product Management Through Advanced Features

DashQ is now Velosity

Instant Quote + Delivery Date - Anytime, Anywhere

New Features: Item Serialization and Traceability

Increase Profit! Automatic Logging of Process Times (Know Your Cost)

Increase Sales with Automation - New Features (Quoting/PDF, Scheduling, Quote Communication)

Drive Sales using Promotions configured using Smart Quote!

DashQ is Customizable to any Environment

New Feature: Line Item Templates

SmartQuote, Items and Inventory + Locations

Indicators That Your Business Needs a Build-To-Order CPQ


New Feature : Line Item Editor

Part 4: Introducing DashQ — Quoting+Scheduling for build-to-order businesses (Items & Customers)

Part 3 — Introducing DashQ : A quote+delivery solution for build-to-order businesses

Part 2 — Introducing DashQ : A quote+delivery solution for build-to-order businesses

Part 1 — Introducing DashQ : A quote+delivery solution for build-to-order businesses

10X Faster Quoting with Delivery for Build-to-Order Product & Service Companies