Increase Profit! Automatic Logging of Process Times (Know Your Cost)
- Date: 04/26/2023
- Audience: CEOs, COO, VP Operations, Director Manufacturing
- Topics Covered:
- Production
- Clocking
- Completion
Velosity automates the Quoting + Scheduling process by automatically creating the router and Bill of Material via Smart Quote. Behind this capability are intelligent router Task definitions that are able to evaluate any Attribute in the Smart Quote line item to determine process time. These intelligent Tasks can be updated periodically with collection of actual times - thus continually refining the accuracy of Cost of Goods Sold.
Velosity offers a shop floor interface that can be displayed at machines and workcenters on rugged tablets and touchscreens. From this interface, personnel can "clock in" to production order and mark completion progress (units completed).
To simplify the login process, shop floor users are able to login with their mobile number and enter the code (password) they receive via SMS. This way the hassle of passwords (forgot, reset) is eliminated.
Velosity Shop Floor - Login
Velosity Shop Floor Login
Velosity Shop Floor - Login (Enter code received via SMS)
Velosity Shop Floor Login - Enter Code from SMS
Once logged in, the user selects the Work Cell from a list.
Velosity - Work Cell Selection
Velosity - Work Cell Selection
From the Shop Floor view, the user is able to see the next (current) and upcoming production orders. The sequence of production orders is controlled from the full Velosity interface. Users with PLANNER or ADMIN roles can adjust the priority of a production order, which recalculates the Schedule. Once updated, the Shop Floor view priority is updated as well.
Velosity - Shop Floor View
Velosity - Shop Floor
Velosity - Shop Floor View (Clocked In)
Each event - clock in and out, quantity completed - is logged (when and who). This data is used by Velosity to build a dataset that is analyzed per Task to refine the Task time models for continuous improvement of accuracy of cost in Smart Quote.
Velosity - Shop Floor (Clocked In)
Velosity - Shop Floor View (Increment Quantity Completed)
Your shop floor personnel can increment the quanity completed for the active Work Cell. Like the clock in/out events, the increment event is logged as well and is used with the clocking data for analysis to refine the accuracy of time models used in Smart Quote.
Velosity - Shop Floor (Update Quantity Completed)
Contact us today for a personalized demonstration. Visit our website to see our latest videos, webinars, and case studies.
Ted Christiansen, Founder
https://my.velosity.app https://www.velosity.app ![]() ![]() |
Grant Nunley, General Manager & VP of Sales
https://my.velosity.app https://www.velosity.app |