Quote 10X Faster

Immediate Prioritized Delivery Schedule

Lower cost 10%

Grow your business 20% faster

Velosity is the smartest way to quote and schedule build-to-order products and services. Determine a price and achievable delivery date in under 60 seconds.

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Why Is Quoting for Build-To-Order Hard?

Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) Products

There are two kinds of products: 1) Stock Keeping Units (SKU), and 2) Build-To-Order. Most products are SKU type products, things like: sunglasses, smart phones, etc. SKU products can have different options such as color, memory, etc. When a customer orders a SKU product, they are selecting a specific item or part number. Quoting SKU products is a simple matter of adding the item to a quote (description, cost, price). There is no configuration - or changing of - the SKU product. ERP was designed for SKU products and works very well for it.

Build-To-Order (BTO) Products & Services

Quoting a BTO product/service is very different. At the quoting stage, there is no part number to choose. The customer is effectively "inventing" the product when the options are chosen. Forcing BTO to look like SKU would mean the creation of part numbers for all possible combinations of the available options. For most BTO products/services, the number of combinations is quite large. Creating the part numbers is easy and could be automated. The challenge becomes how to calculate the cost (and price). This is not easy to automate. Because ERP is part number oriented, ERP is a very poor fit for BTO. It can be "made to work," but the result will be inefficient and cost and time wasteful.

SmartQuote for BTO Products & Services

Velosity SmartQuote is able to determine the cost for any combination of product features of a BTO product/service. This is made possible through SmartQuote's definition of the product via: Attributes and Rules. Velosity automatically generates a production router and Bill of Materials at time of quote - both required to know the cost. In this way, the intelligence of how to build a product becomes documented and refinable over time.

Because Velosity generates a production router at time of quote, SmartQuote is also able to determine a delivery date at time of quote. Knowing the cost and delivery date for a BTO product/service at time of quote using ANY OTHER approach (ERP, Excel) is not possible.

Velosity makes it possible to quote and schedule any BTO product/service in less than 60 seconds!
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Velosity Benefits

  • 10X faster quoting
  • Instant delivery date
  • Faster response to customer RFQ - win more orders
  • Quote generation without need for lengthy inside sales process
  • Granular control of value add markup on Bill of Material Items and router Tasks
  • Pricing aligned with company objectives with ZERO oversight!
  • Lower cost 10%
  • Grow your business 20% faster

Velosity Features

Smart Quote

  • Easy to use interface
  • Automatic generation of cost - process (router) and materials (BOM). Both router (time, cost, price) and BOM (cost, price) generated automatically. Time is dependent on product features (attributes) selected
  • Options selected can be changed to evaluate price for different feature choices
  • Determines estimated delivery date (instantly!) - including effect of material availability


  • Automatic creation and updating of production schedule
  • Button click rearrangement of production order sequence
  • Automatic adjustment of production route (load leveling) at the quoting stage to intelligently handle differing workcell capacities

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Capacity Reservation

  • Reserve production capacity to win orders where PO not in hand...but is coming

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Production Queues

  • Quick overview of upcoming production orders by Task
  • Button click update of percent completion
  • Completion (100%) sends notifications (notifications can be fine tuned to each user's preference

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Item Catalog

  • Management of items that are added to Bill of Material (automatically via SmartQuote or manually via Line Item Editor)
  • Export and Import (initial and updates). API integration also possible for Velosity to pull items from your datasource (ERP, other)

Inventory & Locations

  • Management of inventory - shipping, receiving and consumption via Production Orders
  • Export and Import (initial for rapid onboarding)
  • Defineable inventory locations - including group (warehouse, yard, etc)
  • Inventory can be moved between locations with completed audit trail (Logistics role)
  • Inventory can be shipped and received with full audit trail (S&R role)


  • Management of customers
  • Export and Import (initial and updates). API integration also possible for Velosity to pull customers from your datasource (ERP, other)
  • Customer level target gross profit threshold for quote discount without approvals
  • Line Item Templates - allows for quick quoting of repeat orders (but with costs updated)


  • Integrated tools to manage quality issues
  • General issue management or 8D problem solving

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  • Setup maintenance plans for any Task at different time intervals
  • Record actuals on completion

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  • Audit trail data (who, when) saved with each record (Quotes, Orders, Production Orders, Items, Inventory, Customers, etc)
  • Quotes and Orders editable only by creator
  • Full self service identity management - editable by ADMIN role (one or more per location)
  • View access controlled by role to simplify the user experience (SALES, MGMT, LOGISTICS, S&R, WAREHOUSE, SHOP)

Velosity in Action


The modern architecture of Velosity enables it to work seamlessly with your current systems

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10X Faster Quoting with Delivery for Build-to-Order Product & Service Companies