Capacity Reservation

Sometimes customers processes get in the way of booking orders formally (purchase order in hand) with you. For great customers you would may want to reserve their spot in the production queue while the paperwork is getting completed.

Velosity helps you do this with Capacity Reservation.

Create a Quote & Update the Status

Create a quote as you normally would either with SmartQuote or BasicQuote (manual lineitem creation). You will select the new Status OFFEREDRESERVED. Velosity will automatically create a SalesOrder and associated Production Orders (one per lineitem) also with RESERVED status.

Production Orders

Prodution Orders with OFFEREDRESERVED status are shown at the bottom of the Production Orders view. Unlike the other status types, the Status cannot be changed from this view. The Status is readonly until the Quote status is changed to ACCEPTED.

Update the Quote Status

Once the customer purchase order has been received, the Quote status can be changed to ACCEPTED. Velosity will update the SalesOrder (FINAL) and Production Orders (PLANNED).


10X Faster Quoting with Delivery for Build-to-Order Product & Service Companies